Some Simple Tips For A Better Summer Air Cooler Performance

After a strenuous day in the heat, you’re happy to return to your home and enjoy a refreshing drink.

You notice that the tank has run dry after only a few minutes. You’re having a hard time figuring things out. You wait for several minutes until the Cooler stops being cool.

What Is The Worst Thing That Could Happen During Summer?

Coolers are a cost-effective appliance with a longer shelf-life to cool the air. However, they need to be maintained properly for optimal performance. Many times, it is simple to change the water and clean the water tank. For dramatic improvements in performance, you can make minor adjustments to the Air Cooler.

These 6 simple tips will ensure that your Air Cooler runs efficiently this summer.

  1. Affordable Room Ventilation

Air Coolers work best in well-ventilated areas, not unlike air conditioners. Air Coolers will only be effective if there is consistent airflow. Good ventilation is important for pushing out humidity.

The rear side of the Air Cooler should be exposed to the outdoor environment. The best way to expose the Cooler’s rear side to the environment is through a door, window, or galley way. Another tip is to ensure the cooler’s ‘exclusively’ airflow. This means closing any other source or air leakage which could impact cooling.

  1. For Air Coolers, Placement Is Crucial

Air coolers operate on the principle of Evaporative Cooling. This means that the more heat that is inhaled, the faster the cooling process. Your Air Cooler should not be too close to a window. This will ensure that the cooler receives enough fresh air, and the cool air it creates is pushed away from the edges of the room.

  1. Make Sure Water Is At Its Full Level

As already stated, the evaporative cooling procedure is dependent on air. Fresh hot air is drawn into a cooler but water needs to be maintained at a constant level to ensure that the cooling process continues.

An Air Cooler that is running without adequate water can suffer serious damage. The cooler will perform optimally and last a long time if there is enough water.

  1. Ice Can Be Added To Increase Cooling

Air Coolers should be used only after the water tank reaches its full capacity. However, adding ice to the water can do wonders. Air Coolers today have separate ice compartments.

The temperature of your airflow will drop further as you add ice into the chamber. Your pads will become cooler. Simply fill the ice box with plenty of ice and enjoy the cool, refreshing breeze.

  1. Before Use, Make Sure the Pads Are Completely Soaked In Cool Water

Pre-cooling your pads can improve the Air Cooler&rsquo’s performance. To make the Air Cooler work better, it is a good idea to keep the water pump working while you fill the Air Cooler. This allows for the cooling pad water to soak before being used. The temperature of the sucked-in air drops further.

Once the tank has filled, you can turn the Air Cooler on and enjoy cool breezes.

  1. Use Air Cooler to Control Humidity

Air Coolers add moisture into the air as part of the cooling process. Humidity can disrupt the evaporative coolers procedure. A way to regulate humidity is needed. If you don’t have the right ventilation, it is possible to reduce humidity by using proper ventilation. To maintain control of the climate, you might consider an Air Cooler that has built-in humidity control.


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